
Words to grab attention, words to earn you cash.

Why you’ll want to use a Sales Page.


Everyone’s watching the pennies these days. Fuel costs, food costs, everything mounts up.

Saving money is essential.

But making money is another route to success.

And that’s true for your business as well as your household finances.

However well you’re doing, you’ll always want to have visitors spending more.

One way of turning visitors into sales would be to hire a salesperson.

Someone to help people see how what you sell can turn their life around. 

Someone who understands why people won’t buy and knows how to change minds.

Someone to answer their questions and tell them about the customers you’ve made happy.

Yes, you say, but wouldn’t a salesperson cost a fortune?

You’d be right. Good salesman cost. And you’re trying to save money.

But there’s another route to success. The Sales Page.


A sales page is a piece of writing doing a salesperson’s job. They can be as long or as short as needed. They might include images, and links to other sites.

You’re probably a little cynical – how can words persuade anyone? How could a page handle something as complicated as a customer?

A salesperson can learn about the person making the enquiry: the prospect. They’ll know what questions to ask. What the prospects love, why they’re out shopping, and what they really desire.

And you might say a sales page can’t learn – it’s just words.

A salesperson can also learn if something’s bothering the prospect. The prospect might not believe the product will work. They could say they’ve tried something similar before which didn’t work.

A salesperson would counter those objections. Perhaps tell them about your previous customers who’ve lost weight or found success.

And again, you’d say a sales page can’t flex in the same way as a human.

But with the right preparation there’s every reason to believe a sales page can truly become a salesperson – one working for you every hour of the day. A salesperson you don’t have to pay each month, a salesperson who doesn’t demand commission on each sale.


I’m a copywriter, and I specialise in sales pages. Let me explain how I can help.

I’d start by learning about your product or service, and about you and your organisation. Who buys what you’re selling? How do they benefit? What makes your product or service better than the competition?

I’d build a bridge between what your company offers, and what your prospects want. 

And wants aren’t always obvious. 

For instance, the other day I passed a shop selling fishing equipment. Fishing rods, lines, seats, even catapults for scattering bait. An online sales page for this shop might explain each item’s features.

But that would be missing a trick.

Think what someone wants when they go fishing. They might eat what they catch, but they’re more likely after a peaceful afternoon, a few hours of quiet on a riverbank, and a few stories to tell their friends.

So my sales pages wouldn’t focus on the features of what’s being sold. I’d lead with the fishing experience. Emotion is a massive mover of sales, and as a copywriter I’d make sure emotion features in every story I tell.

How would it feel to use the shops rods and lines? What would a client feel when they land the ‘big one’? A few concrete words would help prospects imagine a great day’s fishing. And make selling those rods far easier.

Or I could show a prospect life without your product. If you’re offering a new weight loss programme, each day your customers don’t buy is a day when they’re stoking up health problems for the future – a day when they won’t feel the benefits of a slim figure. 

A list of features can seem dry. But sales pages provide a sensation your prospects can feel. They’ll connect with your product on an emotional level. Much more convincing than a few features.

The people you’re selling to will have reasons why they shouldn’t buy. As a copywriter I can work with you to answer those reasons and write compelling sentences to show why the prospects should splash their cash.

If you’re selling a weight loss programme, your prospects might have tried stuff before without success. So let’s focus on what makes your programme different. How did you develop the programme, what success have people already earned, and what goodies are in your package? Details can drive sales.

Sales pages pay for themselves many times over. After all, a salesperson can only chat to at most a few people at once. A sales page can reach tens of thousands or more, around the world, and at all hours of the day.


Sales Pages make splendid homes for frequently asked questions. You probably have scores of satisfied customers, and their testimonials can live on your sales pages. Do you offer a guarantee? Pop it on your sales page.

Most companies wanting a sales page have competitors. They’ll want to stand out from those competitors, and sales pages can help. I’d sit with the client and learn why their solution was different. Do they offer delivery, or a money-back promise, or are they local? Let’s highlight these advantages on the sales page.

A sales page’s writing also suggests a personality. Would a client benefit from a friendly and youthful character? Let’s use a youthful voice for the sales page. Would a client’s prospects seek a mature and sensible voice when planning their investments? The sales page can reassure prospects they’re speaking to the right firm.

Sales pages can be a decent length, so they’re an excellent place to add any SEO terms you want to rank for. 

Finally, a sales page can add that extra nudge to a prospect and show them why they should act now rather than delay a decision. After all, ‘I’ll do it later’, often really means ‘I’ll never do it.’ With a sales page on your side you’ll see more of your visitors taking that last step, and buying your product or service.

Sales pages mean real revenue, without you having to pay a salesperson’s wages each month.

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