Supercharge your website

Being trusted gets results. Being likeable gets results too. Yes, people chew over price and features, but they’ll often buy from people they like and trust. 


Tell us about yourself

A recent report by BBMG says 73% of customers care about the company when buying, and not just the product. 

It’s easy in the real world. A friendly smile, a firm handshake, and you’re halfway home. But how can you be cheerful and welcoming online? 

An online smile

It’s all about telling your story. A basic website might offer your product or service. You might have a list of features and a ‘buy now’ button. 

However, you’ll be faceless. No one will know who you are, or what struggles you’ve faced, or how you make your products.

Customers won’t know what you look like. They won’t know how you think.

Your website’s visitors won’t know if they can trust you.

That’s where stories can help. 

A home for your handshake

An ‘About Me’ page tells your story to your visitors and answers their questions. Questions like:

  • What made you set your business up, and have things changed since then? If you bought the business, or if you’re managing it, what first caught your eye?
  • How does your business model work?
  • What sort of customers are you after?
  • How do you make your product or deliver your service?
  • Did you have any problems running your business? How did you overcome them?
  • Do you have any funny stories?
  • What do you look like? And what about your workplace?
  • What wins have you had?

It’s all about de-mystifying your organisation.

A bare bones website doesn’t say why a visitor should like or trust you or your company.

An ‘About Us’ page turns that around.

Why this matters

A recent study by KoMarketing showed 52% of respondents wanted to see an ‘About Us’ page on a company’s website.

And it’s easy to see why. 

An ‘About Us’ page shows what you can do for your customer. It boosts your sales by showing visitors your brand and the people behind it.

People can’t trust what they don’t know.

Not everyone needs to like your brand. You can’t sell to everyone.

But add your business’s personality to your website and you’ll attract those people who like the way you handle tricky situations. Include photographs and they might even like the grin on your face.

Grab some of that pie…

An ‘About Me’ page is the first step in developing a relationship with a visitor, and that’ll help visitors become customers.

If you don’t have an ‘About Us’ page, ‌set up a chat with me. The same goes if your current page needs a facelift.

Let’s add a face to your website, let’s tell your story, and let’s help your visitors learn to like and trust you.